Thursday, August 19, 2010

Child on the loose!

Saw a young child at the mall the other day, perhaps three years old?

He was sprinting somewhere, and once he stopped, realized that he had lost his mother.
Some nice woman then began to help him find her.

I still don't believe in leashed children. For all we know he could have escaped a leash.

***NEWSFLASH--- word on the street is, there's a tandem leash? Terrible.
Who comes up with these things?
That's almost as bad as "Toddlers & Tiaras."

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I'm Baaack.

I'm back in the good ole US of A.

Things I'm ALREADY missing:

1. Driving on the left side of the road.
2. Tim Tams (Even though I brough six boxes back with me... it's still not the same.)
3. Goofy accents
5. Bindi Irwin
6. Carrying Australian $2 coins around (not.)
7. A steady sleep schedule
8. Not using my phone (I'm serious!!)
9. My PD friends :( *sniff*
10. Watching/figuring out Rugby

Things I'm looking forward to:

1. Vegas (I'm here now, and it's 108 degrees and oven-like, not 70 and beautiful. Yuck.)
2. Hairspray
3. My clothes
4. Pillow & Missybear (I'm not ashamed.)
5. Family & friends (Yes, I have friends.)
6. Hairspray
7. Cheap food
8. Free Internet!!
9. Hairspray
10. My shoes

I hairsprayed my hair before going to bed last night.
Chelsea asked why. Pffft. Silly girl.

And I'm not giving it up for Lent this year.

I'm back & I'm highly flammable.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mega-Supertron Photo-Update

Okay, so here are [some] of the beautiful pictures I promised!
It's been a while since I've had good and/or free internet, so check out some of the beautiful places I finished my trip off with:

I'm in Brisbane right now, missing my Pacific Discovery friends (tear) but I found someone else since I've been here in Brizzie...

Check it outtttt... Where we went snorkeling when we were on North Keppel Island. This isn't exactly North Keppel but it's one of the islands. BEAUTIFUL place for my very first snorkel, and I SAW A TURTLE. Like a big turtle. A great big one.

I told you about my first whipper-snipper (weed-wacking) experience, right? HERE IT IS. I know... we look pretty badass. You can see how easy it is to get on a power-trip with those things, sheesh.

I TOLD you it was beautiful, right?? (The Sunset, obviously. Getting up for sunrise once was enough for me.) :)

The 5th graders I promised you- don't they look like fun?? This was right before they left us :(

Ever see those romantic movies where lovers are waving goodbye to someone standing on the beach? Well... that's not what's happening here 'cause that'd be... creepy. But they did love us.

This is what they make instead of s'mores. (Because the poor souls don't have graham crackers here.) It's just dough they wrap around on a pole-thingy and bake over coals near the campfire. Then, they peel them off and pour honey in them... YUM. This specific "twistie" resembled Chewbacca to me.

One of the best things of N. Keppel Island was waking up to the sound of the waves.every.morning. :) (Our cabin!)

Being part of a select few on an island isn't so bad, hey?

Two guys we met promoting a ScooterRoo tour with my favorite pastime, temporary tattoos. And yes, I was sober.

The beautiful WHITSUNDAY Islands! No comment, just take it in.

This is the ocean raft where I contemplated my escape route while riding it. It was SO much fun, but SOOOOO scary. I've never seen my life flash before my eyes so many times consecutively.

OH HEY! Look who I found in Brisbane!! Mr. Conor Mannix, fancy seeing you here...

Another update coming soon and OH YEAH I'm leaving this beautiful country soon, too :(
